I’m 100% pro-choice. I’ve fought for increased access to abortion, contraception, and reproductive health services throughout my life. With the recent shameful decision by the Supreme Court, these fights are even more important.


Robert believes reproductive freedom is a basic right, and will do everything he can to preserve a woman’s right to choose in New York State. With Roe overturned and state legislatures across the country becoming battlegrounds on this issue, it’s more important than ever to keep advocates like Robert in office.


  • Co-sponsored the Reproductive Health Act, that codifies Roe v. Wade in New York.

  • Co-sponsored the Comprehensive Contraception Coverage Act.

  • A long, consistent pro-choice record including upholding an 100% pro-choice voting record on the City Council, fighting to expand access to contraception and to provide age appropriate sex education in our schools and against deceptive crisis pregnancy centers.