The protection of the air we breathe, the water we drink and the open space we enjoy is not an academic or feel good exercise for me or my constituents. I take it very personally and it is critical to our heath, the quality of life in our area and the sustainability of our community and our city.


Robert helped pass the landmark “Green Amendment” in the NYS constitution that enshrined that all people have a right to clean water, air, and a healthy environment. He also believes climate change is an emergency that needs to be addressed urgently, as much of our waterfront district will be directly impacted by rising sea levels. He supports the Build Public Renewables Act that seeks to replace dirty power plants with clean energy that will be publicly-owned and also serve to bring down the outrageous power bills that ConEdison has been charging us.


  • As Chair of the City Council Education Committee, fought to get PCBs out of classrooms. Through hearings, legislation and press events, fought the Bloomberg Administration 10-year timetable and pushed for faster clean-up.

  • Sponsored the City Council resolution in support of state legislation to ban fracking in New York State.

  • Fought to phase out dirty boilers that our polluting the air, particularly in Northern Manhattan and in our schools.

  • Worked with Bill Perkins to protect children from the deadly effects of lead in their homes.

  • Continued the fight against lead poisoning in the Dominican Republic where you joined with a delegation from “Friends of Lead Free Children” to advocate for the cleanup of toxic site in Haina, resulting in a full clean-up of the site.

  • Been a strong advocate for open space that is so important to both our physical and mental health. This has included bringing irrigation for the first time to historic 20-acre Isham Park; working with the Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance on the development of a new Eco Dock in the Dyckman Marina.